
Climate Change

Showing 91 - 120 of 310 results

Rabe weighs in on term climate ‘crisis’

Jul 10, 2019
In the first democratic presidential debate, Sen. Kamala Harris declared “It’s the climate crisis,” to draw contrast to the softer terms often used to describe climate change. She, along with many other democrats, hope it will spark urgency. E&E...

PhD student shares view on COP24 in Nature

Dec 6, 2018
PhD student Michael Lerner was published in the December 5, 2018 issue of Nature. The commentary comes during this week’s 24th annual Conference of Parties (COP24) session at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland. The...

Barry Rabe expects Midwest to refocus on climate issues

Nov 14, 2018
With a change of governorships after the midterm elections, one previously passed-over issue is seeing a resurgence. Governors-elect are already showing signs of making climate issues a top-priority in Midwestern states. Daniel Cusick, reporter for...

Rabe: Is carbon pricing politically feasible?

Apr 20, 2018
When China formally announced plans to establish a national carbon market this past December, it was double the European Union's carbon market and 10 times the size of California's cap-and-trade system. With the launch, China became the latest...